STAY Zaka...我会想你的


简介:Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream a
  • HH云


Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself b... (展开全部)   Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself because suddenly, her best friend decides to ditch her.




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